The Real World Andrew Tate is a program that provides online educational videos and an online community to help people make money and become financially independent. It is based on the popular course Hustler’s University (HU) and marketed to be an improved version.
In a world where job insecurity is rising, a growing number of young men want to be able to live without the financial security of a paycheck. But the internet has made it easier than ever to find scammy schemes promising them riches that aren’t really there. Source
One of the most prolific promoters of HU is a man named Andrew Tate, who has amassed a massive following by using social media platforms to sell his online business training. In a video, he touts his course with the glee of an excited child, and his followers respond with awe.
The Andrew Tate Phenomenon: What You Need to Know
The program promises to teach people how to build a six-figure business and become financially independent from a job. It has a team of “professors” that are all experts in their fields and have been successful at making millions, and they are ready to teach their knowledge to others.
Besides the professors, HU also has a team of marketers who are paid to aggressively promote HU’s content on TikTok and other sites. They do this by flooding platforms with repurposed HU content and a distinctive signup link, receiving 48 percent of the first month’s sales commission for each person they sign up through their links.